Hosted By - Conston Taylor

When Liz Wainger founded Wainger Group in 2000, her vision was to create the strategic communications and public relations firm she sought to hire when she was on the client side—a partner who would provide expert strategies, develop unique solutions (no cookie-cutter protocols that worked for the last client), and roll up their sleeves to get the job done.

Wainger Group today helps entrepreneurial leaders win customers, change minds, inspire their teams, and drive revenue and growth by effectively communicating value to the audiences who matter most. In its work, Wainger Group emphasizes the importance of creating and reinforcing compelling messages and developing skills as spokespeople and brand ambassadors.

Liz closes the gap for companies and nonprofits that want to invest, not just in the development of an external brand, but in an internal organizational unity that assures that every team member can understand, articulate, and live the brand identity every day. A popular public speaker, author and blogger, Liz is currently working on a new book with a working title, “Just Because We Open Our Mouths Does Not Mean We Are Communicating.”

To learn more, email Liz at or visit the Wainger Group website at

Conston Taylor

Conston Taylor is a specialized marketing expert and host of Business Innovators Radio.

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