As a speaker and consultant, Lee Ellis helps professionals in the areas of Self Leadership & Leading Others.
Lee encourages people not to run from conflict, but to face it and tackle it head on. He argues that “Productive Creative Conflict” is healthy for people and for organizations.
In this exciting and highly engaging interview, Lee shares his experience of being held in POW camp and how he used those lessons develop his own leadership skills and to help others develop as well.
Lee’s latest book is called Leading with Honor.
To learn more:
Contact Lee at or visit his website at
Conston Taylor
Conston Taylor is a specialized marketing expert and host of Business Innovators Radio.
Recent episodes from Conston Taylor (see all)
- Rita Craig – Leadership Consultant - February 23, 2016
- Ted Buckley – Inspiring Life Coach - February 23, 2016
- Ryan Lowe – Corporate Trainer - February 23, 2016