Our guest to the show today,  Joel Gardner, with Hopper Financial talks about myths, misconceptions and common fears surrounding financial planning, and his take on how to over-come these obstacles and prepare for a successful retirement strategy.

Joel grew up in Gaithersburg, MD just outside of Washington, D.C.  He came to South Carolina to attend the University of South Carolina, where he met Natalie.  After being married, Joel and Natalie moved to the Upstate where Natalie grew up. They love raising their family in the upstate and plan to make it their home for their lifetimes. 

Joel has completed studies in marketing from the University of South Carolina and accounting at Furman University. Joel’s main areas of focus are personal and business planning. He receives great satisfaction helping families achieve clarity and balance by leading them through a proven process to ensure each dollar in their world goes toward its highest and best use.  He enjoys helping businesses develop strategies that position them to thrive over the long term through key employee retention, protection against business interruptions and planning for business succession.

Terry Palma

Terry Palma is a host of Business Innovators Radio and contributing iReporter for CNN covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Sports, Exercise, Health, Finance and Personal Development. He also is the owner of Multi Channel Media; a digital marketing agency.