Hosted By - Conston Taylor

As a speaker and marketing consultant, Jim Flynn helps professionals to make their Brand more accountable through Brand ROI-focused Inbound Marketing Programs.

Jim leaves no stone unturned in his exploration of modern marketing. His greatest passion and primary focus is Brand Development. The very foundation of all other forms of marketing – Brand Development impacts all other business growth endeavors. Jim believes in the power of discovering the truth that lives within to drive distinction.

As one of only 30 Certified Brand Strategists in North America, Jim is among a small group of marketing and Brand Development professionals to achieve this elite status. With three decades of experience in B2B and B2C marketing in a variety of industries spanning from healthcare to snack foods to insurance, Jim employs a Brand Development methodology that is fast, efficient and effective. He is skilled in all phases of Brand Discovery, strategic planning, organizational interaction, research and integration of traditional and digital marketing.

In this exciting and highly engaging interview, Jim shares how he helps companies discover who their Brands are from the inside out. If you are thinking “don’t companies already know what their brands are?” then you should definitely listen to this interview to find out why many companies don’t.

To learn more:

Contact Jim at or visit,, to find out how Hult Marketing can develop your Brand and provide innovative marketing solutions.

Conston Taylor

Conston Taylor is a specialized marketing expert and host of Business Innovators Radio.

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