Melissa Mose is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and well-known expert on the subject of parenting teens and specifically teens with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
She brings a unique and intimate perspective to her work with parents struggling to help their teens with OCD as well as her work directly with teens learning the right skills to cope with OCD because in addition to being highly-trained in the specialty of OCD therapies, she is also the mother of a teen dealing with OCD.
This interview is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series where Melissa has been sharing her extensive knowledge and experience in order to help Mom’s learn specific ways to help their teenager succeed in overcoming OCD.
During this 3rd interview, Melissa discusses a Road Map to Getting Help For Teens With OCD to be able to provide them with the right support and education so they can enjoy the happy and healthy lives we all want for our children.
To listen to Part 1 in the series:
To listen to Part 2 in the series:
To visit the “Resources Page” mentioned in the interview visit:
To learn more about Melissa Mose, LMFT visit:
You may also contact her at:
Melissa Mose, LMFT (Lic. #32575)
Phone: 818-458-9768
Roque Lachica
Recent episodes from Roque Lachica (see all)
- Helping Teens with OCD – A 3 Step Road Map to Success with Melissa Mose, LMFT - October 31, 2016
- Melissa Mose, OCD Treatment Expert, Reveals Top Mistakes Parents Need to Avoid in Helping Kids With OCD - October 24, 2016
- OCD Treatment Expert, Melissa Mose, Tackles Top Myths & Misconceptions About Helping Teens With OCD - October 20, 2016