Susan Bratton, Intimacy Wellness Expert is a champion and advocate for all those who desire intimacy and passion their whole life long.

Best-selling author and publisher of lovemaking techniques, bedroom communication skills, and sexual vitality advice Susan is an expert in intimate wellness, sexual regenerative protocols, and ageless sexuality.

You can find the Susan Bratton Show® on at, her more personal posts @susanbratton on Instagram, and her new sexual vitality supplements, Flow, Boost, Desire, and Drive at



IG @susanbratton


I’m Hanna Hermanson certified success coach international speaker brand strategist and a real person. If you are 100% committed to expanding your influence and monetizing your passions, you are in the right place. Join our network of entrepreneurs, business owners, and online coaches right here:



Hanna Hermanson, Certified Coach, International Speaker, Author, & Founder of Dream Life is Real Life Copywriting Agency, who has helped 100s of coaches build, scale, and enjoy their online businesses– essentially make their dream life their real life!





Mike Saunders, MBA

Mike Saunders is theAuthority Positioning Coach at Marketing Huddle, the author of Amazon Bestselling book Authority Selling™, Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities, contributor to The Huffington Post, and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business Coaches.