In This Episode of The Couple-preneurs Show with Sedrick Dunson of Phat Ash, we discuss:

  • Phat Ash Brand
  • Phat Ash Product Offering
  • Starting and Growing a Business
  • Phat Ash Group
  • Challenges of starting a business and balancing family  

About Sedrick:

  • Sedrick Dunson is the founder, owner and creator of Phat Ash. He introduced Phat Ash on Jan 12, 2019. Phat Ash specializes in men’s and women’s apparel, accessories and paraphernalia. He has been smoking cigars and an active member of the cigar lifestyle for about 10 years. He has over 25 years of sales and sales management experience before decided on being an entrepreneur.

He is “That Guy”. He is the guy who never meets a stranger. If you ever get a chance to meet him, you will find this to be true! He is a true friend, confidant and businessman.

“That Guy” is a lover of cigars and this passion has led him to his destiny. He immersed himself into the cigar community and it has welcome him with open arms.

He is very proud of his cigar group, Phat Ash, which currently has about 17,000 members worldwide. The group shares their love and passion for cigars, cigar lifestyle, and cigar pairings. Phat Ash is more than a cigar brand, we are family.

Sedrick is a 1986 graduate of Goldsboro High School. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from North Carolina State University.

He has been married to Danielle (Glenn) for 301years and they have two sons, Sedrick Jr., 27 and Desmond, 21.

Sedrick and his family are residents of Atlanta, Ga.


Connect with Sedrick and Phat Ash:



About the Couple-preneurs Show:

  • The Couple-preneurs Show, affectionately known as the providers of The Secret Sauce of Power Couples, is focused on helping couples in business develop structure and strategies that nurture the balance between business and home.

Being in business with your significant other includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. Not all couples in business thrive from working together. Working closely together is a dream that grows from love and enthusiasm.

Capture unique and informative ways to create, build, or advance your entrepreneurial journey via listening to other successful entrepreneurs’ stories of triumph, trials, and lessons learned.

Learn more about the show or be a guest by visiting our website here:

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Mike Saunders, MBA

Mike Saunders is theAuthority Positioning Coach at Marketing Huddle, the author of Amazon Bestselling book Authority Selling™, Adjunct Marketing Professor at several Universities, contributor to The Huffington Post, and member of the Forbes Coaches Council – an invitation-only community for the World’s Most Influential Business Coaches.