In this episode I interview Renee Wroten, a Holistic Health Coach and wellness strategist. Renee and I discuss all things HORMONES. Specifically, we talk about the things you should avoid that can interfere with proper hormone production. Renee also talks about how she healed her uterine fibroids by changing her diet and lifestyle. Health starts with what we put in our mouths. Renee provides a long list of things everyone should stay away from to protect their hormones from becoming unbalanced. Tune in and learn from the best!
Stay tuned at the end for a special gift from Ms. Wroten
More About Renee:
I’m Coach Renée, your personal online Health and Wellness Strategist and I’m here to help guide you towards living a healthier and happier lifestyle through healthier options: spirituality, physical fitness and overall optimal health and well-being.
Renée Wroten is the Founder and CEO of The Academy of Holistic Living. She is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, an Author, Personal Skincare Formulator,
Connoisseur and Creative Designer of 20-Minute Healthy Meals and a Smoothie Junkie of tropical fruits and blueberries. She is the go-to Boss when it comes to helping women balance their lives forward to living healthier and happier lifestyles.
Ms. Wroten has first-hand experience when it comes to battling a series of multiple personal health challenges that lasted over a decade of her life. In 2005, she was diagnosed with multiple uterine fibroids, which are muscular tumors, usually benign that grow inside the wall of the uterus.
In her early 40s, in fact, at age 42 is when she had her first experience of a hot flash, something she never wanted to experience. “You never want to experience something without understanding the root cause”, says Wroten, which now explains why she went on a mission to research “how to naturally heal the body without over-the- counter, prescribed medications and surgical procedures without cause. Fast forward, she was hit with a long laundry list of food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances that her body started to reject; namely, wheat/gluten, corn, cruciferous veggies (broccoli and cabbage), citrus fruits, red meat, nuts and seeds. These food sensitivities/intolerances eventually led to intestinal permeability, leaky gut, chronic atopic dermatitis, chronic severe seborrheic dermatitis and adrenal stress, due to delays of underdiagnoses. After numerous bouts of testing and questions, the “all-
inclusive” diagnoses received were classified as an autoimmune disease. Later she concluded that autoimmune diseases stemmed from years of battling with uterine fibroids. Finally, the autoimmune diseases started to wreak havoc on her immune system, causing her body to reject beneficial vitamins and minerals that her body was desperately craving, later causing vitamin and mineral deficiencies (mal-nutrients), which caused more health problems for Wroten.
And that’s when her research, turned passion for healthy living began, later enrolling in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she earned a Certification in Holistic Nutrition. During her education at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she had the pleasure of studying under world-renowned leaders and thinkers; these icons included Joshua Rosenthal, Founder and CEO of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition; Dr. Andrew Weil, an American celebrity doctor who advocates for alternative medicine; Dr. Joel Fuhrman, an American celebrity doctor who advocates a micronutrient-rich diet; Dr. David Katz, the founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center; Deepak Chopra, author and alternative medicine advocate; and Dr. Bernie Siegel, writer and retired pediatric surgeon who writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process, just to name a few.
She gives credit to God who has allowed these big thinkers to make a huge impact on her health and well-being. Because of this impact, it has propelled her into conducting further research into healing multiple Uterine Fibroids that plagued her body for 11 plus years. Recognizing the fact that “whole” foods, proper nutrition for her bio- individuality, proper rest and supplementing in the area where deficiencies were visible, leading towards the healing of her autoimmune diseases. Ms. Wroten regularly continues her education and conducts research for alternative methods for optimal
well-being to prevent the onset of illness and disease for the well-being of herself and the clients she serves.
She is now The Holistic Boss of her healthy lifestyle and that is her unique way of putting her health before anything else and she wants to help you do the same so you can become the Boss of Your Healthy Lifestyle! She’s been educating, mentoring and guiding others to live healthier and happier lifestyles through the Holistic Approach of living.
You can find Renee at : or @theholisticboss on IG
To learn more about Tavia you can go to: and follow her on IG @healthcoachtavia
Mike Saunders, MBA
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