David Peterson is a well-recognized e-Banking pioneer with a national reputation as a subject matter expert in electronic banking and payments. As a seasoned entrepreneur and thought leader, David is frequently published in regional and national publications on a wide range of topics related to electronic banking, the virtual branch, payments and strategic thinking. David has conducted over 2,500 presentations as a professional speaker, trainer and facilitator and is a member of the National Speakers Association.
David serves as Chief Strategic Officer of i7strategies, an independent strategic planning and consulting firm for financial services and electronic payment initiatives. He was also the original founder of Goldleaf Technologies, a leading provider of electronic payments software and online banking services to independent financial institutions in the U.S. He was instrumental in establishing electronic banking and payment systems for thousands of commercial banks.
In this exciting and highly engaging interview, David shares strategies on being prepared to manage a Black Swan – the unexpected crisis and discusses exposes critical differences between those individuals and organizations that are able to successfully navigate a crisis and those that are doomed to fail. David’s insight on this topic will be encapsulated into new a book coming out soon called “Grounded: Mitigating Disasters through Strategic Leadership and Effective Decision Making.” David is based out of Hahira, GA.
To learn more, contact David at david@i7strategies.com or visit the websites www.davidpeterson.com or www.i7strategies.com
Conston Taylor
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