Dale Irvin is the world’s only Professional Summarizer. He takes normal speeches and makes them funny. He also is a humor speaking coach and he writes humor for other speakers.
Dale discovered that although he desired to make others happy, he never quite fit into the mold of the typical motivational speaker. What he did possess though was the ability to make others laugh.
In this exciting and highly engaging interview, Dale shares how he can help others add excitement and humor to their next speech.
Dale is a speaker and consultant who have authored 8 books including his top seller “Dale Irvin Rewrites History.”
To learn more:
Contact Dale at justjoking@aol.com or visit their website at www.daleirvin.com
Conston Taylor
Conston Taylor is a specialized marketing expert and host of Business Innovators Radio.
Recent episodes from Conston Taylor (see all)
- Rita Craig – Leadership Consultant - February 23, 2016
- Ted Buckley – Inspiring Life Coach - February 23, 2016
- Ryan Lowe – Corporate Trainer - February 23, 2016