Bruce Waterman, Business Relationship Marketing Consultant, discusses how relationship marketing should be incorporated into every business to help it grow. He explains what relationship marketing is. It is built on the belief that people like to business with people that they know like and trust – they don’t want to be sold. Relationship marketing is an important part of the process of moving a person from prospect, client, to referral partner. If you work to build and maintain it, you can either move them through this process, or if they never become a client, you can cultivate them into a great referral source.
An important take away from this interbiew is that most business owners and entrepreneurs don’t have a process in place to consistently follow up with people to build a relationship. Bruce also shares various platforms and tools that can be utilized to assist with this. He points out from his years of experience that, “Appreciation wins out over self-promotion every time” – try to avoid having all your communication with them be all about selling, make about them and not you.
A professional photographer for over 30 years, Bruce made his transition into the digital age, becoming a digital artist and rotoscoper in feature films like Dante’s Peak and Titanic. In February of 2009, he was introduced into the world of video centric and relationship based business marketing tools and strategies.
Bruce has the vision of taking these state of the art technologies to business owners as an alternative and more effective way to communicate, market, & promote. He has a passion to bring new, fresh ideas and technology for a business to grow and flourish in even a troubled economy.
Bruce, not only provides tools and business solutions, but he also helps to implement them to drive a business to a whole new level.
To learn more, you can visit his, email, or call 818-824-4985.
Jeannine Barcarse
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