Stephanie Ghoston helps professional men and women to stop settling in life and love and take the leap into a more extraordinary, meaningful, and purpose-filled life. She’s also a love coach and matchmaker with the Paul C. Brunson Agency, an award-winning boutique matchmaking and lifestyle coaching firm.  She’s a regular contributor for the Black Life Coaches Network and has been featured on blogs such as Huffington Post, For Harriet, and The Art of Perspective.  Her recent offerings include a discussion series on the untold stories of women in power and business and Activate Your Extraordinary, an audio coaching program designed to help women stop hiding, get clarity, and start living on purpose. She’s also a two-time best selling author featured in the 20 Beautiful Women and I Am Beautiful compilations, and the forthcoming author of The 42%.

Cultivated Sense is a movement centered around a personalized coaching experience designed to give individuals the necessary tools required to get motivated, transform their behaviors, and gain the momentum to live and create an extraordinary life.

Stop settling or being “realistic;” ditch your dead ends and trade in your “what if’s” for optimal living!

Cultivated Sense is here to help people make sense of their lives and be able to handle anything that comes their way. The aim is for everyone to be able to genuinely answer “I am great” when asked “how are you?” Cultivated Sense is in the business of building better people, relationships, communities, and in turn, a better world.

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Tamara "Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority.She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications:No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and GiversBook Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors,influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.