Margaret Thorli

CEO H&R Training Professionals

An Award-Winning Business Start-Up Trainer, Business Coach and Career Mentor

 Margaret Thorli is an extraordinary multiple award-winning entrepreneur and author of several books. She has dedicated herself to her two passions; helping potential business owners experiencing multiple/complex disadvantages primarily due to poverty, lack of experience, relevant skills and social isolation, and establishing successful, thriving businesses. Incredibly close to her heart are single parents.

From June 2011-2019, she has trained 1,500 single fathers, women and lone parents, inspiring and motivating them to become their best version of themselves into employment/self-employer.


Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.