Katie Carey is the CEO of Soulful Valley Publishing.  An International Best Selling Author and a global ranked podcast host.
Katie is a passionate, creative, coach and mentor and loves helping metaphysical coaches and healers become more visible through her podcast and multi author book opportunities.
Katie is a Reiki Master, EFT practitioner, Mindfulness and Law of Attraction Coach.
She studied Psychology, Science of the Mind, Counselling & Psychotherapy and Challenging ideas in Mental health alongside Psychic Development, Mediumship and Angel therapy.
Katie won the Educational Spirit of Corby Award for the work she did with the Alternative Mental Health Charity that she founded.
Katie is a finalist in the 2021 Women’s Business Award in the “Overcomer” category. She is disabled, being ill- health retired at 47 because of her conditions.
Katie lives in the UK and has 3 adult children and 2 granddaughters.

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.