Jason Gardner created Barks & Berries to deliver the absolute best in fresh, natural, and wholesome dog nutrition. Barks & Berries started because his dog, Dobbie, had serious health issues – ones too early for her age. Dobbie suffered from liver problems and random infections that could never be traced to any one cause. Months were spent going from vet to vet with the hopes of discovering a cause and then finding a solution. Each veterinary visit meant new hope and came with new tests, but soon after yielded the same results. There was no diagnosable problem, but always a suggestion to alter Dobbie’s diet and try new medications.

Each veterinarian recommended a different dog food and each new food brought a new reason as to why it was better and deemed “prescription only.” However, something in each brand’s ingredients stood out. Sugars and starches and additives were well hidden, but they were there. With an extensive background in human nutrition, endocrinology and human physiology, Jason could see something wasn’t adding up. He knew that if he could identify ingredients that were essential and beneficial for a dog and eliminate anything that wasn’t necessary, he could create something profoundly innovative and save Dobbie’s life!

The result is a blend of thoroughly studied, whole-some ingredients with meticulously researched proportions to satisfy the biological needs of dogs while satisfying even the most discerning palates. Within six months of starting her new diet, the long troublesome issues disappeared, and she went back to doing what she did best, being a healthy dog and a loving companion. Jason’s pups have been eating this exclusively for more than six years with nothing to report but a pack of happy, healthy Papillons!

WEBSITE: https://barksandberries.com/

EMAIL: info@barksandberries.com

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BarksandBerries/

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/barksandberries/

Tamara "Tami" Patzer

Tamara "Tami" Patzer is a No. 1 best-selling author, publisher, and video producer at Blue Ocean Authority.She is the creator of Women Innovators Radio with its sister book publications:No. 1 Women Innovators: Leaders, Makers and GiversBook Series and Big Message, Big Mission book series. She works with authors,influencers, innovators, and trendsetters to Get Media Exposure.