My guest today is Elena Smith, Lead HR Strategist for TPD, who helps business owners attract and retain great employees; to optimize the effectiveness and engagement of their people for business results.

As a former CEO she approaches HR solutions with a business owner’s mindset for actionable results. Elena educates business owners and organizational leaders to realize the impact that sound HR practices can have and that HR is not just payroll, benefits and people problems.

By applying proven strategies to uncover the hidden HR landmines within an organization TPD’s clients can focus their time efficiently on addressing issues lurking beneath the surface so the business can flourish. The end result? More engaged employees working as a cohesive unit with actionable company values as the driving force.

To learn more, visit: , Email:, or Call: +1 888-685-3530

Matthew Loughran

Matthew is a highly accomplished Senior Executive andC-Suite Officer in the FinTech and financial services industry. Matthew holds a B.S. in Biology and Marketing from Loyola University Maryland; and an Executive M.B.A. from Washington State University.