In this interview, Dr. Kevin discusses his new medical treatment for weight loss, burning fat and the revolutionary new prescription medications he uses for weight loss and appetite suppression not available at the corner Walgreens or CVS.
He also discusses how the evolution of telemedicine has literally changed everything and opened the doors to being able to treat patients in all fifty states without the necessity of an in-office visit.
An Alabama native and Auburn graduate, Dr. Kevin got his medical degree at the University of Alabama Medical School.
Specializing in emergency and family medicine his entrepreneurial instincts quickly led him to opening, operating and consulting with over one hundred medical weight loss and sexual medicine clinics nationwide. Never forgetting the power of sales and marketing, Dr. Kevin has that rare ability to blend those skills along with his medical expertise.
He’s currently on staff at two Florida hospitals and kicking off a new national expansion program for Dr. Kevin is seeking marketing partners nationwide for both his Weight & Fat Loss medical treatment for all ages as well as his Get Your Sex Life Back medical treatment for boomers and seniors. You can find out more by calling (800) 664-7640 or going to his website at
Nina Hershberger
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