Born in the UK, Dawn is best known for her profound wisdom, molecule shaking and high energy, not to mention a trademark giggle.

She is an international bestselling author, author strategist and publisher, working with her clients on developing global step change and brand expansion strategies, underpinned with powerful leadership and profound truths.

She writes for various magazines, and when not sailing around the world on yachts, she appears on various media channels highlighting and discussing important subjects in today’s society.

Her first trilogy ‘The Trilogy of Life Itself’ is powerful, as is her current series of nine books ‘The Sacral Series’. Both compilations bring together the multi-faceted aspects of the world we live in and takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, whilst delivering mic dropping inspiration, motivation and awakening. Both bodies of work capture life around the world in all its rawness.

Dawn’s expertise lies in making you rethink your life, whilst harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth. She’s an authority on leading others to create exceptional results by igniting the passions and fire deep within.

To discover more about Dawn, please visit

You can also connect with her on the various social media platforms using

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.