Dario Cucci, is an international Speaker, Bestselling Author and Serve & Sell Coach to the Professionals. He discovered that many Professionals, Experts & Coaches out there struggle to get repeat Business, due to their Mindset, Communication Skills & Business Strategies in place, to support their growth.

His career in Sales started within the Self Development & Events industry over 20 Years ago, back in Australia when he worked with the Ton Robbins Team as a Sales Executive, based on commission only income. During his first year working with them, he generated over 1 Million additional Sales Revenue for the Company.

That’s how it all started, from there on he has worked for several Companies in Australia for 10 years, making them yearly over 1 Million Dollars additional Sales Revenue without fail, because of the way he spoke with new Prospects & existing Customers, he had a high closing rate not only getting new Customers selling intangible Products as well as getting a lot of repeat Sales and referrals because of the way he build the Relationships with the Customers he called.

To learn more about Dario Cucci go to … https://www.dariocucci.com

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.