Dr. Craig Engstrom brings some fascinating insights about public speaking confidence and beyond. Craig is an assistant professor of communication at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and owner of Sophisticated Communication Consulting. He helps various early career professionals and career transitioners harness the power of persuasion in order to sway audiences in written and oral communication. He approaches public speaking coaching as a chef. He gives clients the basic ingredients and steps needed to dish out savory products and shows them how to pepper their presentations with a little style. To learn more, visit sophisticated.me. Note: The presentation mentioned during the interview lives at http://trainingvids.net/publicspeaking/samples/Engstrom-pechakucha2/index.html.

Ana Rosenberg

A 7-time best-selling author, Ana Rosenberg is an advocate for the success of modern professionals, experts and entrepreneurs who are changing the world with their good work. She is a host of Business Innovators Radio and a contributor to the Huffington Post. For more info, visit anarosenberg.com