Chip Walker, based in New York, is the head of strategy and a partner at StrawberryFrog.

He is the author, along with Scott Goodson, of the new book, “Activate Brand Purpose.” He’s recognized for his expertise in brand creation and re-invention, and has led the charge in transforming brands such as Goldman Sachs, Lexus, Bank of America, Jim Beam, and Heineken.

Chip is a frequent speaker at some of the branding world’s major events, including the Cannes Lions Festival, the Advertising Research Foundation, Sustainable Brands and the Conference Board.

His writing and opinions have appeared widely in places like Adweek, the New York TimesChicago Tribune and CNBC.

Activate Brand Purpose

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.