Úna Doyle is the Founder of CreativeFlow.tv and a Business Strategist & Mindset Coach for Creatives.

With her “Creative Success Code” Methodology, she helps service-based creative business owners to transform into Happy Healthy & Wealthy Creative Entrepreneurs – who then make a bigger positive impact on the world.

Part of her mission is to help eradicate the epidemic of undercharging and overdelivering in creative services…

To this end, Úna helps her clients in fields such as Design, Animation and Photography to confidently and profitably attract and convert their dream soulmate 4 & 5-figure clients – WITHOUT selling their soul or adding extra workload!

…And to also have ‘in flow’ high performing teams so they get to do work they’re proud of AND have a life.

Úna has personally experienced the highs and lows of being a creative in business and overcome many personal challenges, to get to where her signature coaching programme is called:

“Unleashed, Unapologetic & Unstoppable!”

To Find Out More Go To www.creativeflow.tv

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.