Angela is a Property Developer, Investor, Consultant & landlady who looks after her own portfolio of over 20+ properties in the UK and abroad, manifested/achieved in less than 1 decade. She is the Host of ‘Birmingham Partners in Property’ group, masterminding the 2nd largest subscription based community of regional investors. Angela is an author, entrepreneur and business networker. She has owned businesses in the food, beauty, clinical and online sector, been in the arena of business acquisitions, and sold businesses. She was formally a qualified Science high school teacher as well as a Mentor and Educator for colleges in Holistic & Beauty therapies after graduation with her degrees.

Angela is a doting mother of 2 loving grammer school boys. Even from a Poverty background, she beleives all wealth can be achieved.
Golden Wealth Creations is the Wealth Mastery, Mindset & Movement course.
The successful formula of ultimately Achieving Wealth through combining Business education, Therapy & Coaching to achieved desired results. Using Rapid transformational therapy & Hypnosis to remove mental blocks/self-limiting beliefs.
Angela is the Birmingham Global Woman Club Director, supporting women of all cultural diversities to share, empower & create an engaging people networking experience. We bring powerful & empathic energy, where we can do business, connect, build relationships and create fruitful collaborations.

Mark Stephen Pooler

Mark Stephen Pooler is a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business.