Welcome back everybody. This is the Front Seat Life podcast, and I am Jessica Butts bringing you another episode in the Healing the Hustle series. I know it’s confusing, but it’s what I’m doing at the moment. Today’s episode is a bit of a mess.

I’m talking about how to show up when you are not okay. Because part of our hustle is absolutely people pleasing. Absolutely pretending, like everything’s fine. And I’m not okay today. The cons of doing this in real time, in real life, as I’ve promised to be doing, is that sh*t happens, but the show must go on. I got kicked in the gut and I do believe that I really, really struggled with whether I do the podcast, or I just not do it?

That was option A, just skip a week. Option B, which is not really an option for me was to show up and be fake. To show up and pretend like I don’t have super wonky energy. And that is part of, again, the hustling that we do. This is part of the everything’s fine culture. It’s part of the culture that I’ve calling BS on for 11 years probably. This is just not healthy. It’s not healthy to pretend like everything’s fine.

It’s not healthy for us or for our relationships to show up in an inauthentic way and from our backseats. The backseat is when we’re doing too many things that we suck at, or someone breaks our heart… So, option C was to show up, record the podcast, be true to my commitment, and be authentic. Please listen and I’ll explain what is going on and hopefully what I share will help you if you find yourself in a similar situation, which does seem to happen to us all from time to time.

And remember, I always love hearing from my listeners. Feel free to reach out to me via email and of course I would love, love, love a review on iTunes, it helps others find us. And don’t forget to subscribe and follow for future episodes.

For more about Jessica and additional episodes, visit https://jessicabutts.com/

Follow Jessica on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jessicabuttsma/

James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Jessica Butts

Jessica Butts is a retired psychotherapist turned Author, Motivational Speaker, and Business Coach who focuses on strategies, tips, and mindset tools to help you “be unapologetically who you are” in your life, love and business!