Welcome back to the Front Seat Life podcast, and our new series the Front Seat 16! I am your host Jessica Butts, and today’s episode is all about the ESFJ. I just got done recording the episode with Katie Christiansen and we are doing this episode right after the Sarah Dean episode, which is perfect because Katie is actually a Sara’s assistant and we talk so much about how she is the ideal integrator to the ENFJ visionary.
And the episode is so packed, full of absolutely amazing information. We did her family type. We talked about the integrator and the visionary, and expectations and how they become a martyr. It is an incredible, incredible episode. It might be my favorite of the series so far.
Overall ESFJ’s are the Caregiver. They are generous and giving and organized and detailed, their archetype is the Police. They are the support staff, if you will. They have no desire to be the upfront person. Their Drunk Uncle is actually the Intuitive. So that kind of big picture and entrepreneurial and starting their own business is absolutely their backseat. Katie, and most ESFJ’s absolutely love being the Caretaker.
They love that role in their family and their life. And they are absolutely the perfect, perfect assistant and integrator for the visionary. I really hope you enjoy this episode. And I loved it and I think you will too!
Much love, Jessica
For more about Jessica, additional episodes, and to schedule a call, visit https://jessicabutts.com/
Follow Jessica on Instagram: @frontseatlife
Follow Katie on Instagram: @katiecougar