Hello! And welcome back to the Front Seat Life podcast and our new series, the Front Seat 16! I am your host Jessica Butts, and I am here to help you be unapologetically, who you are in your life, love and business, by understanding and embracing your innate personality type.

Most of you know, I am all about NOT doing stuff that you suck at and absolutely leaning into your Front Seat.

And that is what we’re going to be talking about in this podcast. For those of you who don’t know me, CEO and creator of Front Seat Life. I am a Myers-Briggs expert. I’m a life and business coach for intuitive women, author, keynote speaker, obviously a podcaster, and a former couples therapist and psychotherapist.

I’m an ENFJ, truth-teller, F-bomb dropper, and lover of all things. And fiercely dedicated to helping you be unapologetically who you are.

I am so excited to take you on this new series called Front Seat 16! And that means we are going to do a deep dive into all 16 Myers-Briggs types, as well as the Front Seat methodology behind every single one of the types. So it’ll be a 16 week series. I have guests every single week coming on, talking to you about some of their front seat, some of their backseat (that is what they’re terrible at) and everything in between.

To kick of the series I am chatting with the wonderful Rachel Belle. We dive deep into her type and break it all down. It’s a great conversation with a lot of “a-ha” moments which I’m sure you can get something from, be sure and listen to this one!

And stay tuned for more episodes in this series, I’m so excited to bring it to you!

Much love, Jessica

For more about Jessica, the Front Seat Collective, and additional episodes, visit https://jessicabutts.com/

Follow Jessica on Instagram: @frontseatlife

Rachel’s podcast: https://yourlastmealpodcast.com

Follow Rachel on Instagram: @hellorachelbelle

James Hamilton Healy

James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.

Jessica Butts

Jessica Butts is a retired psychotherapist turned Author, Motivational Speaker, and Business Coach who focuses on strategies, tips, and mindset tools to help you “be unapologetically who you are” in your life, love and business!