Jessa Zimmerman joins me today to talk about all things relationships and SEX during this pandemic and quarantine situation. Obviously, two things are going on. There is quarantine, and we’re also in massive fear – a global pandemic, people losing their jobs, people losing income. And we’re stuck together.
So, for relationship therapist’s this is kind of the PERFECT STORM. We’ve heard there may be a BABY BOOM nine months from now, but there may also be a DIVORCE BOOM.
During this killer conversation, we discuss how couples can navigate their differences due to personality type and desire discrepancy. And how they can find or block time to have difficult or fun conversations.
We also talk quite a lot about how couples can work on things in their sex lives. It’s going to be tough to navigate personal space versus the overwhelming amount of “TOGETHER TIME,” especially if when managing kids or working from home.
Listen to this valuable episode. We give some KICK-ASS ADVICE and awesome tips. If you want, you can use this time to grow in your most intimate relationship and grow. How are you CHOOSING to come out of this?
This is a real time to discover what we need and ask for what we need. If that’s, “I need a day to be by myself,” or “I need an hour to go for a walk,” or “I would love for you to kiss me or embrace me,” or whatever it is. This is such an opportunity for us to get very clear and reflect on, “What is it that I WANT? How do I want our sex life, our love life, our conversations are our relationship to be?”
This is a moment to kind of sit with those things so that we can work on it. And again, on the other side of it, where, where are we going to be? You know, I keep saying, “Where do you want to be on the other side of this?”
Thanks again for listening, and I wish you only the best in health and happiness. Take care.
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For more about Jessa, her book and her course, visit
For her guide, Talk to Your Partner about Intimacy Without Any Drama, visit
Listen to her podcast, The Better Sex Podcast: