When is enough, enough?
What would happen to your business if a catastrophe happened? Or if you just need a break or a vacation? What would happen if you called yourself out on your own bullsh*t? What if you looked at the numbers, the time spent doing stuff you suck at? What if you started to really be the BOSS you know you can be? Boss up, glow up, grow up!
No, really. When are you going to stop wasting 80% of your time on things you aren’t so great at – and only spending 20% of your time in your zone of genius? How much potential, money, opportunity, and growth are you missing out on because you are trying to keep all facets of your business under only YOUR thumb?
Melinda Slater, of Melinda Slater Interiors, is here to talk about exactly this. Who did she hire, when, and why? Learn how coming to terms with her limitations helped her glow up, create more business and profit, and helped to keep her to pay off her debt. Yup, in two months time – she paid off her debt. Melinda learned a hard and difficult lesson through a catastrophic event – that our businesses need support and need to be able to continue to run smoothly even when we can’t be present. There comes a point in business where we can choose to just “survive” and be in a holding pattern or we can level up, as Ciara says, plan for the future, and get down to business. Are you limiting your potential by hanging on too tightly to the reins? What would LETTING GO make possible in your business?
For more about Melinda, go to https://slaterinteriors.com/
For more about Jessica and her upcoming events, visit https://jessicabutts.com
Follow her on Instagram @frontseatlife for daily motivation.
Not sure what your Myers Briggs personality type is? Take a free personality assessment at https://jessicabutts.com/front-seat-life-personality-assessment/
Front Seat Life Podcast
James Hamilton Healy
James Hamilton Healy is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.