Latest Episodes

Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 11-Eric Pearson And The Story Of Nomad Oil
Eric Pearson, founder of Nomad Oil shares with us his entrepreneurial journey of creating his business from scratch and all the mistakes and successes that came along with it. The value that Eric shares in this episode is quite insightful and helpful to any entrepreneur that either just getting started or has an established business. […]

Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 10-The Meadowlands Millennial Mastermind – What To Expect
In this episode Henry Kaminski Jr, Fernando Valencia and Jim Kirkos talk about the Meadowlands Millennial Mastermind event that’s happening on Wednesday, May 8th at the Venetian in Garfield New Jersey. If you’re a professional climbing the corporate ladder or an entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, this is an event […]

Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 9-Fernando Valencia & Henry Kaminski Jr. – Entrepreneurial Stories From Two Successful Millennials
In this episode CEO of the Meadowlands Chamber Jim Kirkos, interviews two successful millennial entrepreneurs; Fernando Valencia, founder of Guru Branding and Henry Kaminski Jr., found of www.UniqueDesignz.net as they share success stories as well as stories of where they failed and how they overcame that failure. For more information about the Meadowlands Chamber and the Meadowlands […]

Jennifer Holdsworth – A Passion For Goverment + Politics – Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 8
In this episode we have Jennifer Holdsworth, the Senior Vice President of Issues Management for MWW Public Relations on this show. Jennifer shares with us her passion for politics and government and how she’s built quite a successful career for herself in the government space. Jennifer shares some leadership skills along with some relationship building […]

86 Agency – Digital Marketing Tips For Your Business in 2019 – Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 7
In this episode Jay and Evan Eagleson, founders of 86, a digital marketing and website design company talk about strategies to help build your business online in 2019. For more information about the Meadowlands Chamber events, visit www.meadowlands.org

Peter Moeller’s story from the Mailroom to Marketing Director at prestigious law firm-Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 6
Hear Peter Moeller’s story from finding himself and his purpose to starting his career in a mailroom at a law firm, to becoming the marketing director at a prestigious law firm. Peter operates his life through some amazing philosophies which has gotten him to this level of success in his professional career, and we unpack […]

Mindset Tips To Propel Your Professional Career Inside Your Organization -Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 4
Mindset is everything when it comes to excelling in your professional career. In this episode, we share some important mindset tips to make habit of if you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder and make a name for yourself inside your organization. For more information about the Meadowlands Chamber & its events visit www.meadowlands.org

Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 3 – How I managed to attend every super bowl for 35 years
From shining shoes to super marketer… Listen to the journey of how Frank Vuono began his professional career from shining shoes as a kid to owning and operating a super successful Sports Marketing Agency, representing clients like Phil Simms and Boomer Esiason. For more information on chamber events + how to get involved, visit: www.meadowlands.org

Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 2- How To Develop The Right Mindset To Excel Your Professional Career with Marc Demetriou
Mindset plays a huge role when it comes to excelling in your professional career. Our guest, Marc Demetriou goes deep into developing the right mindset to achieve the success you’re looking for. The Meadowlands Regional Chamber is a dynamic business service organization whose sole purpose is dedicated to the success and business growth of our […]

Meadowlands Chamber Podcast Episode 1 – Welcome To The Podcast
Keeping It Simple with Welcome to the Meadowlands Chamber Emerging Leaders Podcast! In this kick-off episode, we will be sharing with you why we created this podcast in the first place and how it will help you with your professional career! The Meadowlands Regional Chamber is a dynamic business service organization whose sole purpose is […]
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