Jack Butz of Benfotiamine.Net, Inc. is a family business currently owned and operated by Debby Montgomery. The company was originally founded by Louis Montgomery in 2003. Lou passed away in 2010. Both Lou and Debby served in the Air Force with distinction before and during the Gulf wars. Debby can be found working at Benfotiamine.Net everyday along with her Dad, Dr. Jack Butz, who started off his medical career in the USAF. Debby and Lou’s 2 oldest sons are currently serving in the military; the oldest as a Marine Corps pilot, the second as an Army Blackhawk pilot and their oldest nephew is in Naval Flight school. The Montgomery and Butz families proudly support various veterans organizations and businesses and our brave men and women in uniform serving our country around the world.
For more information, visit https://benfotiamine.net/aboutus.aspx
FDA DISCLAIMER: Because benfotiamine is a dietary supplement the FDA only requires manufacturers and distributors to have credible evidence as to its safety. The FDA itself has not evaluated benfotiamine for safety or effectiveness. Benfotiamine, therefore cannot be represented to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For more information on this and related topics, please follow this link to FAQ’s on benfotiamine.
T. Allen Hanes
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