Michael Tranmer coaches high performers into achieving fulfillment in all areas of their lives. His passion is rooted in helping others where he went wrong in the past; a successful engineering career but a marriage that slipped away. Michael is in the process of crafting his dream life as a Coach, Speaker and Author of his upcoming book Satori Ananda – awaken to happiness.

Learn more at: michaeltranmer.com.


RALPH BROGDEN is a best-selling author, publisher, and radio host. He is a specialist in strategic communications with a professional and educational background in marketing, psychology and publishing. His work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, USA Today, The Huffington Post and hundreds of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.


RALPH BROGDEN is a best-selling author, publisher, and radio host. He is a specialist in strategic communications with a professional and educational background in marketing, psychology and publishing. His work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, USA Today, The Huffington Post and hundreds of nationally-syndicated television, newspaper, and magazine outlets.