Kimberly Pohler, CLTC, CFed®, is passionate about helping others. She helps her clients navigate the confusing world of finance by educating them on how to plan for each season of their life. It goes beyond protecting your health. Kimberly has identified many crucial areas of concern: health, life, disability income while you’re working, senior healthcare, Social Security, longevity (never running out of money), the high cost of aging impact on investments, and protecting a legacy for her client’s children. She uses her extensive knowledge as well as a team of specialists to provide cutting-edge resources in an ever-changing environment. She knows that God blesses us daily with the gift of life and the opportunity to make a difference in the world. Each new relationship in her business and personal life is meant to be cherished.
Kimberly is an avid gardener who also enjoys cooking what she grows, hiking, campfires, and family fellowship. She lives in rural Indiana with her husband, Jeremy, her two sons, Blake and Preston, and their fur baby Yorkies, Brianna and, Finnegan, and their German Shepherd, Gus. She is the author of The Money Garden: Purposeful Financial Planning for Your Seasons of Life.
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Mike Saunders, MBA
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