Hanna Hermanson is an international business coach, author and speaker for rebels who are shaking up the status-quo. She founded Dream Life is Real Life and is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council.
Growing up in small-town Wisconsin, Hanna “did all the right things” to get into her dream college and land all the jobs she applied for. Yet no matter what she achieved, she felt completely “out of groove”.
After much soul-searching (and yoga trainings) she left her job as a college advisor and moved to California with the goal to make her Dream Life her Real Life.
Along the way, she gained trainings and certifications (and bumps and bruises) that helped her identify “Dream Life Principles”, and has been coaching other inspired go-getters on how to implement these principles in creating thriving, sustainable and service-based businesses since 2015. Her clients are running online 6 figure businesses while spending time with the people they love and donating time, money and energy to the causes they believe in.
The Dream Life Organization also implements these Dream Life Principles in middle school curriculum and trainings they provide to educators and pre-teen students around the world.
We envision a world where all people are living in their purpose and wholly avoid the quarter life crisis that Hanna, and so many others have experienced. Because after all, Dream Life is Real Life!
Why wait for the lottery or a breakdown?
Learn More: www.dreamlifeisreallife.com
Mike Saunders, MBA
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