Wayne understands how entrepreneurs live and breathe their businesses. That’s because Wayne comes from an entrepreneurial family.
As a boy, he watched his dad work 70+ hours a week at his Cadillac/Oldsmobile business, and later worked beside his father — first as a mechanic’s apprentice; later, selling cars and working in the finance and insurance department, and finally, as general manager. Wayne became an entrepreneur himself in the early 2000s, founding AMDG Financial and AMDG Business Advisory Services right after the tech bubble collapsed.
“When I told people I was leaving my secure job at a large accounting firm to assist entrepreneurs and families with wealth management and planning, they nodded their heads politely and said, ‘That’s great.’
But I saw in their eyes what they were really thinking: ‘This guy is nuts!’”
“I wanted what many entrepreneurs want,” says Wayne, “independence, flexibility, and most important, the chance to make a significant impact on people’s lives.” In writing The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial Well-Being, Wayne draws on his personal experience and professional background to help entrepreneurs find and build a lasting relationship with an adviser who understands their needs.
Learn More: https://www.waynebtitus3.com/
Mike Saunders, MBA
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